Daniella Savatini

Daniella Savatini

Age: Young Adult
Traits: Adventurous, Artistic, Good, Virtuoso, Perceptive

Skin - Watermelon, Blush - Robokitty, Eyes - Praline sims, Eyebrows - Sage
Lips - praline sims, Eyeshadow - Gosik, Sliders - Jonah- hip, butt and waist

Everyday - Hair - Raonjena Sims, Shoes - EA base game, Jeans - saliwa @TSR,
Top - RedCat @TSR, Nails - Lorandia, Ring - Lorandia

Formal - Hair - Littlecat, Dress - Sims3 Store item, Shoes - Sims3 Base Game,
Bracelet - Rosesims, Nails - Lorandia

Sleep - Hair - Peggy, Outfit - Master suite stuff pack, Nails - Lorandia

Athletic - Hair - Nouk, Shoes - Lorandia, Outfit - Saliwa @TSR

Swim - Hair - Sky, Swimsuit - ilikemusic @TSR, Nails - Lorandia

"Sorry to the cc creators I have  not mentioned but sometimes it is hard to remember where I get everything from if you see something that is yours or you know who created it please let me know so I can give credit."

Terms of Use
1. Please do not copy and claim as your own.
2. If you wish to use my sims as templates this is ok but please let me know first. 
3. Feel free to use my sims in your stories legacies etc no permission is needed for this.
Thanks :)

Please check out Daniella at cstyles